Friday, July 13, 2012

Rewriting "The Little Red Hen"

I normally dislke sharing my "political" opinion. I normally loathe confronting these types of issues in a public way because I don't want to offend anyone and risk losing friends over differing beliefs. However, I am offended. I am offended because I see people in our government rewriting certain principals that were taught to me at a very young age. I'm a mom now and I see a very different America forming and it scares me for my boys. I'm trying to teach them that if you work hard, you can be successful. I tell them that the sky is the limit. Should I also be telling them that if you work hard, become successful and reach for the stars that if they're lucky the goverment will demonize them and make them pay for everyone else's lives as well? The story of The Little Red Hen is what came to mind as I watch people use the word "rich" like it's an evil. The Little Red Hen asked several of her farm friends to help her plant the seed, harvest the wheat, and grind it into flour to make the bread. All of her friends declined - "Not I", they said, but when it came time to eat the bread they all wanted a piece... and The Little Red Hen politely responded,"Everyone who helped can eat the bread." Guess what? They didn't get a piece of bread because why? They didn't HELP her work for it. The moral of this story is one we ALL grew up with: If you don't work hard for something, then you don't reap the benefits. Pretty simple. So why are some in this country rewriting this classic story? I truly don't understand. I mean can't we all agree on this very simple principal? It baffles my mind and makes me angry. One argument is that there are certain groups that really need help. They can't work because of a disability or they have mental illness and addictions, etc. I am not without COMPASSION! I will help anyone I can. I also believe that there are "rich" people who share their wealth with charities or volunteer in soup kitchens and that is generally ignored in the press. The problem is that while there are deserving people who need help and would rather be able to work, there are also people that are perfectly capable who sit on their butts and collect welfare. I PERSONALLY know this to be true. BELIEVE it! Before I am ridiculed for my opinion (which is right by the way), think about this simple story that was read to us as children. For those that believe government is the answer, you have to realize that the money that goes towards making it run in the 1st place comes from the private citizens of this country who work hard to be successful in their lives. What is the point in turning their success into something ugly? I don't get it, it's completely ass-backward thinking. I am not "rich" by any stretch, in this economy our family is lucky to be holding onto the middle class side of things. I am proud of my husband who works hard everyday to support our family. We believe in helping others who can't help themselves, we believe that we give from our hearts and not because some bureaucrat tells us it's in our best interest. We tell our kids that if they work hard anything is possible. I want that to be true. I don't want them to feel guilty when they have success. I want them to be proud of their accomplishments and hopefully they will have it even better than we do. It's the American Dream - right?

1 comment:

  1. You will be silent for a while and then hit us with a zinger like this. Very well said! Who could argue? And yet some will....
