Saturday, March 12, 2011

"Oh Well!"

If you've ever had any misgivings about perfectionism it all gets cleared up when you become a mother. I have 2 boys, 2 wonderful and precious boys that depend on me and I'm afraid that is to their detriment at times. I can't count on both hands and feet how many times I forget about something either involving school or extra-curricular stuff like karate or baseball, etc. Today I was supposed to make up one of Logan's days of karate practice. It's in 10 minutes and I haven't even thought about it. I haven't even taken a shower yet much less get the boys ready, find his uniform, etc and there is obviously no way we're going to make it. "Oh well!" is one of my best and most intelligent comebacks when I've disappointed my children. (Excuse the sarcasm) Can't help it though, sarcasm saves my sanity.
Like I said, I have no misgivings that I'll ever be the perfect mom. That is an unattainable quality in parenting. I do believe that just knowing this is not enough, I make sure my boys know that even though I try, I still make mistakes. This way when they're blaming me for something later on in their adult lives, I have this as a kind of "disclaimer" to fall back on. I will continue to make more mistakes and they will continue to hear me say, "Oh well!" and I will never be the "perfect" mom but I will love them perfectly always and forever.


  1. I think I need to say "Oh Well" more often. I tend to be too hard on myself.

  2. Girl, this was after I broke down because I can't keep up. I can't even be perfect at being imperfect. :-)

  3. Just wait until you are a grandmother and your youngest grandchild calls you "liar, liar,liar" and you have to explain the difference in an unintended mistake and a deliberate lie. No explanation is acceptable so then you have to say Oh well" also:)
