Sunday, March 27, 2011

Taking a Dip in the Shallow End

What a week I've had! Time for my shallow moments of the week rundown. Ok, so Logan has been sick with some sort of stomach virus for what has seemed like an eternity (4days). Hey! 4 days is an eternity with a sick kid staying home from school with the knowledge of the mountain of homework he will have to make up. Which brings me to my 1st shallow moment of the week: I'm worried for myself that I can be strong enough to encourage him to get through it AND help him with it if needed. Yes, I wasn't concerned for my child, that HE would have to endure the homework beast - but for myself. SHALLOW! Shallow moment numero dos: I had made a hair appointment for Friday thinking that surely Logan would be feeling better by then. So, imagine my shallow disappointment when he still had a fever the night before and I had to cancel my precious beauty time. I mean REALLY! Some chicks just can't catch a break. Oh how I am so ashamed of this shallow moment. My poor baby had a fever and I'm worried about my hair. Oh so very shallow indeed! You would think after that one that maybe I wouldn't be so tempted to wade my way back into the shallow end but alas, you would be wrong. Because my 3rd shallow moment would have to be getting extremely irritated about not getting to go on a date Saturday night and how this affects only me. Yes, not that my husband might enjoy some time out as well but only I, as an insignificant and neglected wife knows what it feels like to have hopes and plans dashed away. And finally, (though I think I'm giving myself too much credit but for the sake of finally ending this confession) my shallow moment #4: before church this morning (yes, church) I almost had a real live temper tantrum over my wardrobe, or lack thereof. It is really not a cliche that as a mom, you really don't get to go shopping and get to buy new duds to wear on ANY SORT OF BASIS, regular or otherwise. I think I have 5 shirts, 5 of which I've had for probably 5 years. So, yes... I almost threw a hissy fit this morning. I say almost only because I've realized from throwing past hissy fits that it doesn't do any good. I will still have the same 5 shirts and then I will have wasted the time I need to put on my old makeup some of which I've had for AWHILE.
Well, have I enjoyed my time in the shallow end? Yeah, a little bit - it's given me the opportunity to feel sorry for myself and that's very important in order to grow into a better person. If I never had these moments, I wouldn't recognize the self-centeredness that should be corrected. So, it's like job security for my soul.
And as I have said many times in my life: Thank you God for GRACE!


  1. I have been swimming in the "shallow" end almost all of my life and I just hate it when I'm having a good pity-party and someone tells me "It's not all about YOU! Damn.

    Great line "job security for my soul". You are sheer genius.
